

I had a rush to school

so when I got to class I was already 10minutes late

well, it's nothing I should be complain of cause its all my problem

however! something unforgivable happened

when I was searching through my prints in the "public" drawer which is where the dry prints are suppose to go

Seven of my prints were gone!!!

I spent like at least 4 hours printing these littile "babys"

I printed totall of eight eddition, but theres just one left.

my instructor told me, its my responsibility to take care of my own work and things do disappear in the studio

I cant accept all of his bullshit and the most thing i cannot accept is

art thefts do exist in my lovely ART schoo!!!!!???

I hope this is not what i thought,

I love this school, and i think everyone is benign

so please!

PLEASE return my BABYS~~~~



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